Wallpapering Tools

wallpaper tools

As all our papers use the Paste the Wall method, no pasting tables are needed. There are a few tools however that you will need in your repertoire to achieve the perfect finish. Having the right tools will make the job not only easier, but quicker too. Read our guide on the best tools to buy and why.

Paperhanger brush
You'll use this to smooth your wallpaper into place, starting from the middle of the roll and gently smoothing to the edges. Make sure it's clean and dry.

Paste brush and roller
To apply your paste to the wall with. You can use a paint brush instead of a paste specific brush. A paste brush has a thicker wedge of bristles and therefore makes applying the paste a bit easier.

Plumb bob or laser level
To achieve a straight plumb line for your first roll of wallpaper.

Paperhanger scissors
Sharp scissors with extra long blades to achieve straight lines when cutting around obstacles or the edges off your wallpaper.

Seam roller
This will enable you to seal the seams so the edges don't lift and the wallpaper hanging looks seamless.

Tape measure
To measure your walls and cut the correct length of wallpaper before hanging

Floor protection
To protect your floor from any paste drips.

Wallpaper paste
We recommend Solvite 'Paste the Wall' paste as it rolls on pink and dries clear, allowing you to see where you've rolled paste onto the wall.

Step ladder
To easily and safely reach those awkward heights

To remove sockets and switches before wallpapering